

Some of you may remember that about this time last year I did an interview with BBC Radio 5 Live with an amazing girl called Rowena Kincaid who has terminal breast cancer.
Rowena was diagnosed with terminal secondary breast cancer in 2013 and given just 3-6 months to live.

During this time a friend asked what she had on her bucket list to which Rowena replied “I don’t have a bucket list, do I need one?”. With that she set off to make a programme called Before I kick the Bucket for the BBC exploring whether or not having a bucket list was something she needed to have.

When we spoke on the radio it really got me thinking about the whole idea of needing a list and I thought about it for a long time afterwards. Writing and working towards achieving things on my list really got me through my struggle with PTSD. Just visualising myself succeeding in achieving these things was a big part of snapping me out of the dark hole I was in and helped me start enjoying life again. I therefore concluded that having a to do list was a good thing indeed.

But in the current age of mindfulness I am also aware that we should be happy in the present moment and perhaps not think too much about past or future events. After all the present moment really is all that matters.

Since returning home Row and I have become such great friends. She has to be one of the funniest and most full of life people I have ever met. When chatting to Row it’s hard to believe she has a terminal illness. She is always smiling, always cracking a joke and always ensuring that everyone else is ok.
She told me that she struggled to sleep at night and when I asked if it was because she was anxious she said “no, its because i’m so excited for the following day to start”. Amazing!

On the 3rd December Rowena celebrated her 40th birthday. She has survived over a year longer than doctors had predicted. Cutting edge treatment is of course a major factor in Row still being here but I firmly believe it is also because of her incredible positive mental attitude. She just loves life and has continued to live it to the fullest. Those who have met Row or saw her show will know she is so full of love and energy thats it’s hard not to be in awe in her presence. She is such an inspiration to so many and it is an honour to have her as a friend.

To celebrate her 40th birthday Rowena went all out and hired Cardiff Castle where all the guests turned up in medieval fancy dress. It was an amazing night resulting in Row getting home after 2am! That girl knows how to party! I can’t wait to see what she does for her 41st!

A few days later I celebrated my 36th birthday and it’s safe to say we were a couple of very grateful souls that week. We are definitely the kind of people who will never complain about getting older.

The second part of Row’s show will be shown in the New Year. I have seen clips of it and it is guaranteed to leave a lasting and humbling impression on you. I’ll update you all once we know when it’s on but until then you can keep up with Row’s whereabouts on her Facebook page here:-

Much love everyone and loads of love and healing wishes to Rowena.



Yikes! The end of another year! Where is the time going?!
This time last year I was jumping out of a plane at 15,000 feet over New Zealand! What a start to another life changing year!

I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank you all for your continued support over this past year.
I always wonder what people take away with them after reading this blog.
Is it ideas for travel, inspiring stories of the people I’ve met or is it just nice to know that there is someone else out there who gets it?
Whatever it might be I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your help and support. It means the absolute world to me.

2015 was a pretty momentous year. I celebrated my 5 year all clear, finished off my two year trip around the world and the hot chocolate gathering on Richmond Hill turned one of the highlights of not just my year but of my entire life.
All of these things have been absolutely amazing but it has to be the people I have met along the way which has been without doubt the best thing about 2015. There are so many kind and inspiring people out there. Thank you to everyone who made last year so special.

Thanks to you guys we also raised money and awareness for several amazing charities which was just incredible.

I wrote most of this whilst laying in bed feeling rather rubbish which has been the overriding theme of my welcome home Christmas this year. Even though I missed most of Christmas and it didn’t turn out quite how I had envisioned, I am extremely grateful to be back home with my lovely family.

Thankfully my amazing friends and family foresaw this horribleness and saw fit to equip me with the tools to sort myself out for 2016 with things like the campest Nutri Bullet ever, protein and superfood supplements, books on mindfulness, Oddball underpants that show you how to search for (unwanted) lumps (genius) and a hand written book of inspirational quotes to keep me pumped through the dark times. I’m all set for the roller coaster ride that 2016 may bring.

Being home again has brought more challenges than I expected and as I’ve said before it has taken a while to settle back into a ‘normal’ life. I’m still finding my feet but I’m confident 2016 will be the year I find them.

A friend pointed out recently that a lot has happened over the past 5 years; illness, break up, moving house, leaving job, 2 years of travel and now home. These things could explain why I still feel a bit unsettled at the moment. Ha!
Change can be a scary thing but it can also be the best thing that will ever happen to you. Even if it doesn’t seem like it at the time.

I’ve got some exciting things planned for 101 which I hope will help even more people. Thank you so much in advance for being part of it gang and I hope to see some of you at our next meet up.


I firmly believe that every single second is a chance to start turning it all around but I also like the idea of having a fresh new year as a starting point for change too.

I hope all of your hopes and wishes come true for 2016 and beyond.

If you do decide to write a list of things you’d like to do then make sure you also start making them happen.
Lists don’t get fulfilled on their own and it’s easy to forget that life is not a rehearsal. We only get one shot at this and it’s up to us to make it as amazing and happy as can be.

Wishing you all loads and loads of fun, joy, love, health and happiness for 2016 and beyond. I can’t wait to see what you all get up to.

Thank you for everything lovely people.

Much love



Just a wee message to wish all you lovely people a very merry and happy Christmas.

Christmas can be a bit of a rough time for many people so this post is dedicated to all the people out there who are unwell, depressed, lonely, scared, caring for someone and those who will spend Christmas in hospital this year.

My family and I had to spend Christmas in hospital when I was 8 years old. I don’t remember very much but I do remember my amazing doctors and nurses making it so special for us all. They dressed up, sang for us and made sure we all had the best time.

Merry Christmas to all the doctors, nurses and hospital workers out there who ensure that those in hospital are not only looked after but also have the most wonderful Christmas as possible. You guys are amazing!

In 2010 I spent Christmas recovering from an operation to remove part of my bowel. My family made it wonderful as usual but with chemo about to begin I remember feeling extremely scared of what the future might look like.
Little did I know of the wondrous adventures that would follow over the next few years.

I like to think that sometimes the bad experiences only exist so they can help open up the doors to the good stuff in life.
I very much hope for the same joy filled experiences for you in 2016 and beyond.

Wishing you all a very merry Christmas and the healthiest and happiest of New Years.

Much love everyone


I had the immense pleasure of spending a few of my days with the wonderful gang at CRUK last and there are certainly some amazing things going on over there.

On Thursday I was asked to speak at the Region 5 conference in Woburn which was held at Woburn Safari park. I must admit I saw the words ‘safari park’ before I saw anything else so immediately said yes!:) It turned out to be the most amazing day where I met loads of amazing fundraisers and listened to a very inspirational talk by two incredible researchers who told us all about the incredible Francis Crick Institute which is set to open next year.

Francis Crick was one Britain’s greatest ever scientists and famous for discovering the DNA double helix structure. This Institute is set it to turn cancer on its head by CRUK teaming up with 5 of the worlds leading medical research organisations. This exciting collaboration is all about bringing together the worlds greatest minds and figuring out new techniques for treating cancer and a whole host of other illnesses. The last 10 years have brought about such wonderful developments in treatments and the next 10 years are set to bring about even more incredible life saving developments in cancer research. Brain tumours, pancreatic cancer and childhood cancers are very much on the agenda so there will some exciting work taking place when the centre opens.

I then got the chance to visit one of cancer research UK’s labs in London on Friday and saw the exiting things going on there. I would love to update you all with all I learned but there were some big words being used and all I really understood was that there are lots of successful clinical trails, new cutting edge treatments and the outlook was looking very very good! Which was all I really needed to hear. Lots of very clever people doing very clever things.


My week with CRUK came to a climax as I was asked to be the closing speaker of the two day Relay for Life Summit in London.
200 ridiculously inspiring people from relays all over the UK coming from places as far wide as Scotland and Gibraltar. There was even a representative from the American Society there who came all the way from Chicago to see how it’s done properly!:) They were all so welcoming to me and to receive a standing ovation at the end of my presentation was just mind blowing and extremely overwhelming. I didn’t know what to do with myself. Should I wave, bow or just hide!:) It was an amazing moment and one which I will never forget. A huge thank you to everyone for making me feel so welcome.

Relay for life raised over 2.4 million pounds this year for CRUK which is just astonishing. This event isn’t really promoted as much as other fundraising events and is organised by volunteers. I can safely say it’s my favourite one by far. It’s fun, it’s inspiring and you are surrounded by the most amazing people. I went to my first relay in Australia and then again here in the UK and I just love it. I am creating a team for next year so if you fancy coming to hang out with me and the rest of the crazy relayers then please let me know and we can work our Team 101 magic and raise some cash whilst having a grand old time.

After the sad and horrific events in Paris on Friday it’s easy to think that the world is a horrible evil place. I loved my talk on Sunday even more than usual because I could once again remind people that the world we live in is a very beautiful place filled with incredibly kind and loving people. Sadly there are a few idiots in this world who like to try and ruin it for the rest but they really are just a few.

For a little injection of hope when it comes to our old foe cancer, please take a look at the annual review for cancer research UK. I read it and I was extremely impressed and hopeful for the future.

Huge congratulations to everyone at CRUK. You are changing the world.


I’ve received many emails recently from people asking what it’s like to be home. Two years is a pretty long time to be on the road and I made no secret of the fact I was very ready to come home a long time before I actually did.

I wasn’t going to write about any of what you are about to read but I met up with a wonderful guy who many of you may recognise from reading the comments section on any of my posts. Neil Kisby has followed the 101 blog for a couple of years now and has been an incredible source of support on my travels.
I got the chance to finally meet Neil at the 101 Richmond Hill gathering and as he was leaving he said something that really took me aback. He said “thank you for saving my life”. I must admit I didn’t know what to say back. Before it had really sunk in, he had gone.

I got the chance to spend the day with Neil last week and we had a wonderful time. We chatted a lot and I got to ask him why my experiences had meant so much to him. He simply replied “because you let me know that I wasn’t alone”. Neil is also a cancer survivor and he also struggles with his mental health. He has insomnia, eczema and feels anxious for most – if not all – of his day. In Neil, I was very much reminded of myself. I had felt very alone during my darkest time with PTSD and would often wonder why I wasn’t running around smelling roses and talking about how cancer had opened my eyes to the point that I would never worry about anything again. I perhaps should have been doing those things but I didn’t. And I couldn’t. Because it wouldn’t have been real. The whole reason for 101 and for sharing my story was to spread a little bit of hope, but it was also to raise awareness of mental health – not just after cancer but also in life.
Neil has inspired me to write this post so if you identify with it and it helps you in some small way then please thank Neil. If you don’t like it then you can blame me. 🙂


I must admit that it’s been a bit weird and perhaps not how I thought it would be. I was so ready to come home by the end. I had been moving from one place to another for two years, living out of a bag, deciding where to go, where to stay and how to get there. Along with meeting new people everyday it can all be a bit knackering.

I was dreaming about having my own room, staying in one spot and seeing all my family and friends again for various periods of time away. I had also convinced myself that I would never let ‘first world problems’ affect me ever again. After finishing off my trip at a Chinese children’s hospice, and then a charity that houses street kids in Cambodia, as well writing postcards to people who had also been affected by cancer and illness, I can safely say I fully realised yet again just how much good fortune I have in my life.

But instead of coming home and reflecting on all that 101 and myself had accomplished, I came home and decided that I hadn’t done enough to help other people. I then started to panic about money, having no job and what I was now going to do with my life. All the things I said I’d never worry about again.

Looking around at all my friends with partners, houses, careers and children I suddenly felt like the odd one out. Considering what I’d overcome over the past 5 years I couldn’t believe I had started worrying about this stuff.

I have been so busy doing various things but the sad truth is I did panic, lost confidence and for a while I did nothing about it. As a result I’ve found it hard to write my blogs, my eczema started to rear its head again, and I’ve found myself waking up first thing in the morning like a coiled anxious spring. As a big believer in the power of positive thought, I am also fully aware about the health issues that can arise from negative thoughts. I find myself worrying about worrying. I’ve also lost my want to write my posts and my book which is not like me. There are so many things I’ve done that I’ve not told you about yet. I still have Cambodia to tell you all about and that was 6 months ago!


I was warned from other long term travellers that it can be tough coming home. We’ve all heard of ‘post holiday blues’ but the actual scientific term is ‘Reverse Culture Shock’ whereby long term travellers find it difficult to adapt and re-assimilate to ‘normal’ life at home. Much like PTSD is after cancer it turns out that RCS is very common among people who have been away from home for a while.

I realised something recently which seemed to have escaped my attention. My trip around the world and me feeling better didn’t just happen by accident. Nothing just landed in my lap. I worked my butt off to make this happen and the very simple process of working to make the things I wanted happen is what made me feel better. I learned only the other day why that actually was. Research shows that having a clear goal and being able to anticipate succeeding in that goal is one of the fastest ways to get the feel good brain chemical dopamine flowing through your brain which is key to reversing depression and making you feel good. Making my 101 list didn’t make me feel better but proactively working out how to achieve those things and visualising doing them did.

I seemed to have forgotten how much this helped me in the past and perhaps started to listen a bit too much to people who simply referred to me as ‘lucky’.

But, I’m on the case again gang and already feeling better and more motivated – and guess what, I didn’t need to jump on a plane to achieve it. Here are some examples which I hope help you as well:-
DOING WHAT I LOVE – I’m proactively getting my speaking career underway. This is where I hope to make some money. I love doing them and would love it if I could keep doing them for free but I have to make a choice. I either have to get a full time job and stop giving talks which could inspire people, or do talks, get paid for them and get cracking starting the next 101 initiative which could help a lot of people. I’ve followed my dreams thus far so I’m going to give this my all.

HELPING OTHERS – I am looking at ways of how I can use 101 to help even more people and charities. Research shows that helping others is actually good for your health. When we act on behalf of helping others it gives us greater purpose and comfort, less stress and it actually helps you feel happier. My trip wouldn’t have been the wonderful experience it was without the purpose of 101 Things To Do When You Survive so I know all these things to be true already.

WRITING MORE. I used to love writing but I think I went off it just before I got back. I’m not sure why that was but I now want to start writing more about the things that I think will not only help others but also help me. It’s such a therapeutic thing to do and I would recommend it to everyone. I also have a book to write! Yikes!

READING – I am reading more inspiring books. One of particular note is by the comedian Ruby Wax called ‘Sane New World’. In it Ruby describes her long lasting fight with depression and how she is overcoming it. She couldn’t understand why she was so depressed so she went to study neuroscience and graduated with a masters in mindfulness at Oxford University to find out how the brain works. It turns out it is all chemicals and wrong wiring but the good news is that these pathways can be rewired. Ruby said that practicing mindfulness saved her life so if it’s good enough for Rubes then it’s good enough for me. I will of course update my findings to all of those who care to know what it’s all about. I would definitely recommend reading Ruby’s book though if you need a little reassurance that you are not alone and that there is a way to bounce back.

I’ve started to EXERCISE more. I was outside and on my feet all the time when travelling. Trying to write a book I have found I’m sat at computer all day and not getting outside as much. I now get up early and go for walks everyday and train every other day. Exercise is one of the best ways to boost your mood and gets those endorphins working over time. I go to the local park where there is a some outdoor gym equipment and I work out there.

After I finish training I MEDITATE for 10 minutes using an app called ‘Headspace’. Mediation is one of the best ways to clear your mind, relax and give you a bit more peace in the world. It is also known to aid weight loss and relieve stress. I’m not too bothered about the weight loss bit at the moment but if I keep sitting at this computer than I may well in the future! 🙂

GOOD FOOD – I’m eating good nutritious food and making and drinking fresh juices which makes you feel incredibly healthy and good about yourself. I’ve started using recipes from a girl called ‘Deliciously Ella’. Ella had a rare illness which meant she was bed ridden 95% of the time. She changed her diet to a vegetarian and no sugar diet. She is now healthier and fitter than ever and her recipes are…….delicious!:)

I’m listening to INSPIRING PODCASTS like the Tim Ferris Show which I find fascinating and very motivating. Try also reading his book ‘Four Hour Work Week’ and it will motivate you whilst also blowing your mind.

I don’t watch much TV but if I do I try and watch FEEL GOOD SHOWS avoiding the news and soap operas. My fav show is Strictly Come Dancing…No laughing please!:) I love this show on so many levels but most of all I love it because it is just feel good from start to finish. Bright lights, awesome dance moves and good music. What’s not to love! 🙂

Hanging out with FAMILY AND FRIENDS. Being with people you love is the most addictive thing on the planet and makes you feel insanely good. My trip wasn’t special because of the things I did but because of the people I did them with. My pals have now moved far and wide so it’s been tricky to see people. We all seem to be so busy nowadays that even phone calls are something that need to be scheduled in. I need to remedy that.

Going out for a COFFEE. This is my little treat when I go out. It’s not actually the coffee itself but the experience. I love coffee shops. The sound of the steam machine, the smell of coffee, people watching. I love it all and it’s something i’ve done throughout my travels!

You’ll notice that ‘travelling’ isn’t on the above list. I’ve travelled more in two years than most people do in a lifetime. I am so content with what I have seen and done so far I think i’m a little burnt out from it all. I am in no doubt that i will once again get the travel bug but right now I’m just so pleased to be home and I want to enjoy that for a while before I start planning where I want to go next. Local adventures are very much on the menu though so stay tuned.

I could go on and on but this post is already ‘War and Peace’. I’ll probably write more on this in the future as I believe it’s something that we all need a bit of help with. Cancer or no cancer. Ideally, we all want to try to get to a place where we don’t need to be busy to be able to worry less.
But in the mean time this is what i’m up to to stay the positive, optimistic, feel good person I have been over the past couple of years and was before cancer struck again. I kind of like that guy and I would love for him to stick around.

The reason I am sharing this is because Neil reminded me of one of the main reasons I wrote this blog in the first place. The idea was always to give people hope and to also let them know that they weren’t alone. I would never want people to think that a trip around the world is the answer to all of our problems. It’s a lovely distraction that’s for sure and I’ve had the time of my life but you can’t do that forever. Nor do I want to. All our worries are relative to the person. You don’t have to go through illness to struggle mentally. We are all have our ups and downs and it is very important to know that we are not alone.

So here we go gang. I absolutely love being home and I have a bit to work on but I firmly believe that I can work on it here rather than escape to another country 10,000 miles away! 🙂 Ruby has inspired me to research PTSD and the human mind a wee bit more so I will update you with various findings as I go.

I hope this post has helped you as much as it has helped me writing it.

Love and well wishes gang.

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