I think it’s fair to say that Team 101 took Ascot by storm this weekend and what an amazing weekend it was.
I first fell in love with Relay for Life when I was in Sydney in 2014 and then again at the Shetland Relay in May this year. Being part of my own team at Ascot however, has without doubt totally captured my heart.
There were a few sceptics in my team who were pretty unsure what kind of time they were going to have this weekend (24 hours of walking round a track does sound like a complete nightmare after all) but I’m pretty sure we all left on Sunday fully in love with relay and everything it stands for.
During the 24 hours, we got our groove on to Zumba, yoga, live bands, singers, performers, pipe bands, midnight quizzes, emotional speeches and best of all hanging out with good and inspiring people.
Team 101 were also joined by Team Trout (my family) for a short time which made the day even more special. Especially as I got the chance to meet my baby cousins for the first time.
I was first introduced to the Ascot Relay by an incredible 101er called Ali who invited me to join her team last year. After receiving so many inspiring messages from her as she lived with terminal lung cancer there was no way I could refuse.
My mum and I went along and got to spend the day with Ali and her family.
Sadly Ali was too unwell to be there this year but Team 101 were privileged to have their pitch right next to Ali’s family, who were ordered by Ali to come to Relay and keep up the family tradition of raising money for CRUK in the event they’ve taken part in since Ali’s diagnosis 6 years ago. They are truly an amazing and brave family and it was so lovely to see them all again.
Myself, Libby, Jo, Julie, Neil, Natasha, Theo, Jaime and Nicola all took it turns to walk round the track for the entire 24 hours whilst also having the most wonderful time chatting and having a laugh.
A huge thankyou has to go to Jo and Libby who led the way in organising our teams theme with the ‘Where’s Greig’ challenge, fruit and veg hats and outfits for Miss Relay (for which I came last:).
I couldn’t have asked for a better group of people to share this experience with. I think it takes such courage for people to take a chance and come to something like this when they don’t know anyone.
I also had the immense honour of giving a speech at the incredibly moving Candle of Hope ceremony which for me is the highlight of Relay. You cannot help but be moved by this beautiful and poignant ceremony.
Seeing the messages on the candle bags spread around the track is incredible and humbling. Ali, Row and Claire were all in our thoughts.
Thankyou so much to everyone who has sponsored us so far. CRUK fund over half of the research into cancer in the UK so your money has gone to a wonderful place. You can still sponsor us using the below link if you fancy!!:) If you could see how tired we were on Sunday afternoon when the 24 hours was up then you’d know that we’d earned your sponsorship. 🙂
Huge congratulations to the Ascot Relay committee for putting on such an amazing event and for recently winning the Queens award for voluntary service. Relay is totally volunteer led so everyone involved makes it happen in their own time. Ascot are on course to raise well over £100,000 this year.
The biggest thank you goes to my amazing team for their support and their wonderful company. It was such a pleasure spending time with you all. I loved every second.