Yikes! The end of another year! Where is the time going?!
This time last year I was jumping out of a plane at 15,000 feet over New Zealand! What a start to another life changing year!
I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank you all for your continued support over this past year.
I always wonder what people take away with them after reading this blog.
Is it ideas for travel, inspiring stories of the people I’ve met or is it just nice to know that there is someone else out there who gets it?
Whatever it might be I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your help and support. It means the absolute world to me.
2015 was a pretty momentous year. I celebrated my 5 year all clear, finished off my two year trip around the world and the hot chocolate gathering on Richmond Hill turned one of the highlights of not just my year but of my entire life.
All of these things have been absolutely amazing but it has to be the people I have met along the way which has been without doubt the best thing about 2015. There are so many kind and inspiring people out there. Thank you to everyone who made last year so special.
Thanks to you guys we also raised money and awareness for several amazing charities which was just incredible.
I wrote most of this whilst laying in bed feeling rather rubbish which has been the overriding theme of my welcome home Christmas this year. Even though I missed most of Christmas and it didn’t turn out quite how I had envisioned, I am extremely grateful to be back home with my lovely family.
Thankfully my amazing friends and family foresaw this horribleness and saw fit to equip me with the tools to sort myself out for 2016 with things like the campest Nutri Bullet ever, protein and superfood supplements, books on mindfulness, Oddball underpants that show you how to search for (unwanted) lumps (genius) and a hand written book of inspirational quotes to keep me pumped through the dark times. I’m all set for the roller coaster ride that 2016 may bring.
Being home again has brought more challenges than I expected and as I’ve said before it has taken a while to settle back into a ‘normal’ life. I’m still finding my feet but I’m confident 2016 will be the year I find them.
A friend pointed out recently that a lot has happened over the past 5 years; illness, break up, moving house, leaving job, 2 years of travel and now home. These things could explain why I still feel a bit unsettled at the moment. Ha!
Change can be a scary thing but it can also be the best thing that will ever happen to you. Even if it doesn’t seem like it at the time.
I’ve got some exciting things planned for 101 which I hope will help even more people. Thank you so much in advance for being part of it gang and I hope to see some of you at our next meet up.
I firmly believe that every single second is a chance to start turning it all around but I also like the idea of having a fresh new year as a starting point for change too.
I hope all of your hopes and wishes come true for 2016 and beyond.
If you do decide to write a list of things you’d like to do then make sure you also start making them happen.
Lists don’t get fulfilled on their own and it’s easy to forget that life is not a rehearsal. We only get one shot at this and it’s up to us to make it as amazing and happy as can be.
Wishing you all loads and loads of fun, joy, love, health and happiness for 2016 and beyond. I can’t wait to see what you all get up to.
Thank you for everything lovely people.
Much love