A picture paints a thousand words

Cameras and photographs
I love photographs. I think everyone likes photographs. That’s why things like Facebook are so popular. People like seeing photos of other people and different places.
I was never much of a photographer before this trip and I am now what some would describe as a bit of nightmare as I take photographs all the time. As wonderful as memories are photographs just capture that very moment that made you want to take a photo in the first place. That photo then goes on to evoke even more wonderful memories that were maybe pushed to the back of your mind. I do sometimes get down on this trip especially when I’m on my own and I find I always turn to my photographs to make myself feel better and lift my spirits up again.
I also love to use photos to accompany the blogs that I write. The written word is immense but a photograph to go with it can help make people feel that they were there as well. When I read an autobiography I can’t wait to get to the middle bit and see all the photos.
My camera(s)
For this trip I needed a camera that was affordable, compact but also took high quality photographs and videos. I met up with adventurer Mark Beaumont (the fastest man to cycle around the world) who gave me some great advice. He also recommended the camera I should use. He used it to film his cycle challenge around the world and it only cost £200 – the Panasonic Lumix TZ30.
This camera was incredible and took awesome video and photographs. Unfortunately I smashed the screen on a boat on my way to Colombia. I fell over and it was in my hand. It was either the camera or my head that broke my fall. I still have it with me today even though it doesn’t work. Call me sentimental but I just can’t seem to let it go.
I then had to replace my camera so I then bought the upgrade my old camera and got the TZ40 which was equally amazing! Unfortunately being the ‘cotton headed ninny muggings’ that I am I broke that as well.
My wonderful friend Holly who I only just met a few weeks ago contacted Panasonic for me, told them what I’ve been up to over the past 18 months and they have kindly sponsored me a new camera. Not only that, it is the upgrade to my last camera which is absolutely wonderful as I’m a bit in love with those.
I now am the proud owner of the Panasonic Lumix TZ60 and it is even more impressive than the last two Lumix models I’ve owned. The zoom is absolutely amazing for such a small camera (see photos). This is a great travellers camera for those who need something compact and high quality.
When I was interviewed by ITV they commented on how high quality my video footage was when they produced a video summary of my adventures. Needless to say they didn’t say the same thing about my presentation skills! 🙂
So a huge thank you to Panasonic for sponsoring me this wonderful camera. I am so grateful for your support.
For more details on the Lumix range please visit www.panasonic.com