Opera houses, exercise and television

I touched down in the beautiful city of Sydney yesterday and was instantly whisked away to the harbour where the most spectacular sunset was waiting for me. The sky over the Opera house and the Sydney harbour Bridge looked like candy floss. What a start to my time here.
I plan is to stay here for a few weeks whilst I work on some projects with some amazing cancer charities. An amazing girl called Vix has given me her beautiful apartment for two weeks whilst she goes back to the UK.
I had never met Vix before yesterday. She is a friend of my brother Barry and our friend Billy. Vix has been following my journey for the past few months and I am so grateful for her generosity. She has such an amazing outlook on life and talks even more than I do so we are getting on like a house on fire.
Lots of great things planned here. I have been asked to go on a morning television show called the Today show which is very exciting. They casually dropped into conversation today that they want to help me achieve Thing #32 on my list which is to sing Flower of Scotland on stage at the Sydney Opera house…and they want to film me doing it on… LIVE TV!!! Ahhhhhhhhh!
I’ve been practicing today and I sound horrendous so hopefully Scotland won’t disown me after they see it.
I’m so excited to meet up with the charities here and hopefully help them out as best as I can. I am also looking forward to doing some exercise. As much as I loved Broome I found it was too hot to go out in the day. As a result I was like a sloth and wouldn’t move much. My time at home was also spent either sitting in car or sitting at my computer. Im feeling very unfit and feel like much of the progress I made with my fitness and strength in the past 15 months has diminished. As ever, I’ve been worrying about it so its time to get a wiggle on and get those lungs and muscles working again.
It’s so amazing to be here and I’m so pleased I can stay a bit longer than I first intended.
Sydney Opera House, get ready for some ‘Greig’ factor!:)