The beautiful camels of Broome

They say no visit to Broome would be complete without a sunset camel ride on Cable Beach. My lovely friend Katherine took me for my very first camel ride as the sunset over the Indian Ocean.
My friend Laura used to work with the camels in Broome years ago and she told me all about them before I left for a Oz.
I had no idea that Australia had the largest herd of camels in the world. The camels were brought over from India, Arabia and Afghanistan in the 19th century and with no natural predators have flourished into their thousands. There are now around 750,000 camels roaming wild in the outback. Who’d have thunk it!?
A very magical and surreal sight to see.
I can’t get over how beautiful the sunsets are here. I’m going to find it very hard to leave this place next week.