Seaplanes, sharks and Horizontal Falls

On Tuesday I got to experience one of my all time dreams…..I got to ride in a seaplane! Wow!! I’ve wanted to go in one of these ever since I first watched Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. Luckily there were no snakes in this one:)
I took a half tour with the incredible Horizontal Falls Adventures up the coast to the amazing Horizontal Falls. I had no idea what the Horizontal Falls were before I arrived in Broome but I saw leaflet with a photo of them on and thought I have to see these things for myself.
The Horizontal Falls are a fast-moving tidal flow through two narrow, closely aligned gorges. As the tide rises it struggles to get thought the gorges which makes the current unstable as it forces it’s way through the gaps giving the appearance of a horizontal Waterfall.
The tour itself was amazing. We flew up the Kimberley Coast to the Falls and the scenery was breathtaking. The water was a turquoise colour that made you pinch yourself to see make sure you weren’t dreaming and the beautiful islands popping out of the water like beautiful prehistoric dinosaurs.
We then circled around the falls so all sides could see them before a ‘Top Gun’ like sharp turn down to the water where we landed. (See photo of me to see the pure excitement on my face).
We then went for a ride in a RIB boat and motored through each of the falls which was so much fun. The tide is so strong that you are jumping all over the place. We then went back to the floating barge and had a bit of breakfast before swimming with sharks and then off on another boat ride through the mangroves. I made the bold announcement that I thought it was a myth that Australia had lots of crocodiles because I hadn’t seen any yet. I’m now very much hoping that my statement isn’t proven completely wrong next time I go for a paddle!:)
We then headed back to Broome but sadly landed on concrete at the airport which was nowhere near as much fun as landing on water.
I absolutely loved the falls but I think it was the whole experience which I loved. Riding in a seaplane, zooming through the falls on a speed boat and being face to face with a shark. My NLP therapist always told me to ‘find the inner child’ and I’m not sure I fully understood all that back then but I totally understood it on this trip. I was a kid again, doing things for the first time and I loved it. I even got to ride up front with the pilot. Such fun! Fortunately the pilot didn’t hear me endlessly quoting Top Gun under my breath during the flight!:)
A huge thank you to Horizontal Falls Seaplane Adventures for this amazing experience. Visiting the Kimberley in Australia is definitely going on my list!