The adventure begins!

After an emotional goodbye to my beautiful parents I now sit here on the floor next to a plug point at Heathrow airport waiting for my flight to the beautiful Australia.
I’m wearing exactly the same clothes as I did when I first set off in June last year. The colour has faded a bit but they are still going strong!
Loads of thoughts going through my head right now. The main one being ‘have I made the right decision?’, closely followed by, ‘do I really need three pairs of shorts?’
Isn’t the human mind an amazing thing?! One minute I’m debating life choices, the next I’m thinking about my wardrobe!:)
My mum will be happy to hear that I’ve taken 10 pairs of underwear this time round instead the five I had when I first set off! she will be so proud!:)
New things, new people and wonderful experiences await. When I have my down days, which I had a few of on the first leg of my trip I just have to remember that those are soon forgotten when you look back on your life experiences.
The good things in life always prevail! I just have to keep remembering that when a certain something beginning with the letter ‘c’ pops into my head.
So without further a do….let the adventure begin!