What a week

As I write this I’m trying to get my bag ready for some more training on the high seas. This time we are on a night time race from Hamble, South of England to Cherbourg, France and back! It’s seems like a long way to go just for a croissant!
It’s been an action packed week. I was joint best man at my best friends wedding, I became a godfather, I nipped up to Scotland to see some family and over to where I grew up in Newcastle to see some old friends. It was an amazing and also a very emotional week.
Here is my week in pictures
My great Aunt Martha who is going to be 101 this year! How amazing is that! She is the most incredible woman. She still lives alone in her own house and only up until a few months ago she was still driving.
I asked her what the secret to a long life was and she simply replied “staying active”. So there you go! Off your bums and get moving people!:)
The new love of my life. My gorgeous God Daughter, Eleanor. It was such an honour to be asked to be her Godfather. I’ve now changed my name to Don Greig and can only talk to you when I have malteasers in my mouth!:) She is the most gorgeous little girl and always smiling….except in this picture. She’s my new best pal.
Me and Mrs Hartley. Mrs Hartley was my tutor when I was ill as a child. She was very fond of me back then and really hoped she would one day see me again. It was so lovely to see her. She and her husband Paul were talking about coming to see me at hospital. She said I was usually to sick to do class so she would often read to me whilst my mum had a break. Paul told me that there were times they would leave the hospital and think that would be the last time they would ever see me again because I looked so ill.
Mrs Hartley asked if I thought her coming to tutor me was worth it when I was ill. I said of course it was because it meant she saw a future for me and wanted me to be ready for it. She seemed pleased to hear this. A lovely woman and it was so lovely to see how excited she was when I walked through the door.
The groom flanked by his two best men. What a wonderful day and an amazing honour to be at my best pal’s side as he married the girl of his dreams. I absolutely love weddings. Everyone so happy and ready for a laugh and a dance. Ross and I started Uni together in 1999 and we’ve been friends ever since. If there’s a person on this planet that can make you feel good just by looking at you then it’s Ross. One of the nicest and funniest guys you could ever hope to meet. His other best man is a lovely guy called Lee (who some of you may recognise from TV) and they’ve been friends since they were kids.
My beautiful friends Joanne, Lindsay and their gorgeous mum Syl. These guys are like family to me. Lindsay (left) is the teacher of the class I dedicated my Standing on the Equator video to. Her year 7 class have been following me on my adventure since I started. I was brought up in Newcastle and when we moved down to Bristol when I was 16 I lost touch with most of my friends. It was before emails and Facebook and I’m rubbish at phone calls. Joanne, however, always kept in touch with me and called and wrote and I’m so glad she did. I’m so happy I have them in my life.
Bonnie Scotland! These pictures just show that you don’t need to travel thousands of miles to find the most awe inspiring scenery. Beauty is right on your doorstep. The sunset photo was taken in my home town of Annan in Scotland (I’ve moved around a lot:) My mum and dad have a caravan (trailer) up there so that’s where we stay when we go up. The ‘mountain’ on the left is called Criffel and next year I plan to climb it for the very first time. All are welcome to join me! It’s very small but I here the views are amazing.
So that was my week. From Dartmouth to Cheshire to Scotland to Newcastle and now back in Chipping Sodbury. I’m officially knackered (exhausted)!
I’ve got some much needed spare time next week so I can finally book my ticket to OZ and get on the move again. My little trip around the UK has gotten me excited for when I finally do come home for good. There are so many beautiful places to see here. I think I’ll keep the backpack out and do some local exploring when I return.