Back in beautiful London

I’ve just got back to London for the week after some serious R+R with my folks in sunny Chipping Sodbury in the West Country! As well as R+R there have also been some serious debates with my Dad about who has access to the TV remote!:) My line of “dad, I’ve been away for a year” didn’t seem to work as well as I’d hoped!:)
I’ve got some very exciting meetings coming up this week as well as my (almost) 4 year check up on Friday. I’ve brought it forward by a month so I get a top to toe service and get the go ahead to push my body even more on the next part of my trip!
Best of all I get to see my brother and his wife and also get to meet up with my pals and meet the new little recruits in our gang!
I’ve also got to get a move on and figure what on earth I’m doing on the next part of my trip. I’ve got a rough idea but I think a flight there might help!
Being home has also made me realise how few clothes I actually own anymore. I gave a lot to charity when I moved out of my flat but may have given them one bag too many! Oops! Don’t be surprised if you see me wearing the same things I’ve been wearing for the past year or so!
I think the strangest sensation about being home is that i am now wearing clean underwear on a daily basis! I only took 5 paris with me on my trip so there may have times when I wore the same ones…for 2 or 3 days! I went to put on an old pair of underpants today and suddenly realised that I had at least 10 pairs of clean ones in a DRAWER (luxury) and a access to a washing machine (my mum).
It’s great to be in London Town…and what do you know..there’s a signal failure on the district line! Ha! I guess some things never change!:)
(I just loved the expression of the guy I asked to take this photo. He looked at me as if to say…..”bloody tourists”…little did he know that I’ve actually been a tourist for the past 13.5 months..why change now! 🙂