Into the West

Well it’s fair to say that I was a bit knackered after last weeks amazing bike ride. My brother flew home the day after the ride and went straight from the airport and into work (the guy is a machine…or just crazy) and my mum and I headed to New York to stay with our wonderful friends. It was so wonderful to see my brother and mum after so long away.
What was planned as a 3 day sightseeing frenzy of New York before my mum headed home on Friday actually turned into a sleeping, coffee shop visiting and chatting in the park extravaganza. Both mum and I were absolutely exhausted from the weekends shenanigans so we decided to do our favourite thing of sitting around with a cuppa and watching the world go by.
I have just touched down in San Francisco on the west coast of the US. This is a place I’ve wanted to visit ever since I first saw the film Escape from Alcatraz.
As ever I can’t believe I’m here now (I may have said that a lot in the past 11 months).
When I told people I was coming a couple of my friends got in touch and told me they were coming to the states for a holiday and asked if I fancied joining them. So I got a cheap last minute flight and will meet my pals Dave and Jim tomorrow. They have hired a car and the plan is to go on a three week road trip with me as a stowaway!:) First stop San Francisco, then Yosemite Park, Death Valley, the Grand Canyon and then Vegas baby! I can’t wait for Vegas as I am due to give a talk at a school…. I’m probably more excited about the talk than actually going to Vegas!
Hoping to bring you lots of amazing pictures and stories in the coming weeks gang. Jim is a photographer so get ready for some amazing photos.
Oh, and I thought you might be getting bored of pictures of me with my arms up in air by now so here is one of my mum instead!:)